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Front Porch


About the Front Porch

Is there anything that speaks of a true Southern welcome more than a beautiful front porch?

Generously proportioned and elegant, the Front Porch hasn’t really changed since 1906, other than repainting and replacing the porch swing.

Click and hold on the white slider bar below and drag it left and right to see the transformation!

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Front Porch - Stories From the Past

Miss Myrt remembers many happy times on the porch – or the front gallery as she called it –playing with friends, spending time with family and getting in to trouble for not being ladylike. Never mind sitting on the porch swing in white shorts – with a boy! She even recalls the porch light beaming when her Daddy was waiting for her to come home from a date.

Mrs. Myrt's father in front of the home, pre-1940.

The Ford children loved playing on the porch too – and fondly remember being shouted at by Mary for climbing on the wagon wheel style railings!

“We loved that porch!” declared Miss Myrt as she recollected being surrounded by the green fern filled flower boxes on the steps and staring out over the azalea bushes.