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About the Garden

Symmetry is key to the Victorian styled garden. Combining elements of formality to contrast with the relaxed Southern feel, the garden is a little private oasis which perfectly offsets the new back porch’s casual living style.

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Garden - Stories From the Past

The garden and adjoining lot to the house have seen many changes over the years.

Mr. James Morgan had a complete workshop set up in the garage – although Miss Myrt says he never used it: “My Daddy never picked up a hammer ... he was an accountant!” Behind the garage there used to be a chicken coop, as well as a lavatory for the house help.

We even found an old clothes line still with clothes pins on in the undergrowth when clearing the yard. The adjacent lot was purchased along with the house to provide some space between neighbors. One long and warm summer Miss Myrt and her friends created a badminton court on which they played and laughed all summer long.

She also recalls fondly her brother Jim climbing the pecan tree to collect nuts for Grandma Morgan and raining them down on her five year old self to make her scream and run to her daddy for protection! Surrounded by sweet gum and water oak trees and lined with aspidistra plants, the garden and garage have remained pretty much untouched for many years.