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Rooms Blog

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Living Room


About the Living Room

With its original Victorian fireplace and floor to ceiling windows, the sitting room one of the home’s formal reception rooms.

The chandelier was restored, rewired and polished (one crystal at a time). The fabulous pocket doors are original too.

Click and hold on the white slider bar below and drag it left and right to see the transformation!

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Living Room - Stories From the Past

Miss Myrt, born in 1923 at the home said that, even 92 years later, she could close her eyes and see it clearly. For the Morgans, the living room hosted formal visits when they had “company” and for the Fords it was at the heart of family gatherings.

The Ford grandchildren remember it being decorated at Christmas – with stockings hanging from the fireplace and a real Christmas tree standing between red velvet drapes covering the floor-to-ceiling windows. The deep red velvet drapes matched the fabric of the ornate Chesterfield too.

Stockings hung over the fireplace for the Ford boys.