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Foyer & Hall


About the Foyer & Hall

The impressive dog trot foyer is the artery through the house.

With its high ceilings, fans and transoms the hall provided the home with air flow to keep the house cool during the summer.

The double French doors in the foyer provide the formal entrance to the home – and were kept closed to all but the most welcome visitors!

The hallway was restored with new paint; a fresh coat of floor varnish was applied to the original hardwood floor and new lighting – along with the laundry room hidden behind the bookcase!

Click and hold on the white slider bar below and drag it left and right to see the transformation!

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Foyer and Hall - Stories From the Past

During Miss Myrt’s younger years, there were curtains mid-way along the hallway that afforded her Grandma privacy from the rest of the home. There was also a telephone table and sofa where she spent time chatting to friends – even though there was no heat in the hallway and it was, as she recalls: “freezing cold.”

Miss Myrt adored her Daddy and remembers with happiness how there used to be a hat rack in the foyer where he used to leave his hat.

And as we all know, wherever you leave your hat is home!