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Esther's Blog

Just rip that Band Aid off


I’m sure it’s not just me that does it.

I mean I can’t be the only one that turns back towards their home when leaving for a vacation and says to no one in particular: “Bye bye little house – see you next time.”

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Canadian Thanksgiving and American Neighbors


Funny thing. I’ve enjoyed country life for over 40 of my 49 years so the concept of ‘neighbors’ doesn’t really exist for me. I mean, sure I have neighbors down the road at the next farm an’ all, but instead of borrowing a cup of sugar from each other, we borrow tractors and fence mending.

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How to check something off your bucket list


Etymology. Nice word that.

It means: “where a word or phrase comes from”. Apparently, no-one is quite sure of the etymology of “bucket list”. It’s only been popular since the 2006 film of that name. Also no-one is quite sure how it links to things that you must do before you die.

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